Back in 2016, Chance the Rapper hosted the inaugural Magnificent Coloring World event in...
Two DC superhero teams are joining forces this later this month on Cartoon Network...
It’s hard to believe now given that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has long since...
Michale B. Jordan says the vague nature of the audition threw him for a...
Wrath of Man (2021) is the new action movie starring Jason Statham, Scott Eastwood...
And, ahem, the two right at home. In between grueling soccer games and the...
The new Mortal Kombat movie ended up being a disappointing film. It started out...
Find out how a one-and-done situation turned into a four-film franchise run for Stiles!...
Monster is now streaming on Netflix. Based upon Walter Dean Myers’ 1999 novel of...
The dispute is linked to a disagreement over the future of the How Sweet...
We’ve known for a long time that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 would...
Caitlyn Jenner opens up to Hannity about immigration policy: 'I am all for the...
As it turned out, despite the age gap, Heath Ledger and Nicole Kidman were...
Hey you guys! Factory Entertainment has created and released a cool prop replica of...